Weinan E

Weinan E

Peking University, Beijing Big Data Research Institute, China

Weinan E is a Chinese mathematician and computational scientist who holds several prestigious positions, including director of the Beijing Big Data Research Institute, AI for Science Institute in Beijing, and International Machine Learning Research Center at Peking University.   E's research focuses on developing mathematical models and computational methods to solve problems in physics, chemistry, and materials science. He is renowned for his contributions to multiscale modeling - creating methods that simulate complex systems spanning multiple length and time scales. His achievements include developing the heterogeneous multiscale method for simulating complex systems; discovering a new mechanism for turbulence onset in fluid flows; and creating the string method to explore biomolecule energy landscapes.   For his significant contributions to science, E has received many awards such as SIAM Prize for Distinguished Service to Profession, International Association of Chinese Mathematicians' Chern Prize, American Mathematical Society's Leroy P. Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement. He is also a member of both National Academy of Sciences & American Academy of Arts & Sciences while being recognized as one of the most highly cited researchers globally.

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